Wednesday, July 2, 2008

my new book

soo i never did finish the wicked book.  haha

i was almost done but then i saw the play again and its so different it got me mad. and i just dont want to read it anymore because it just got dumb and hard to understand

so my new books i am going to read this summer are the Harry Potter books. 
i read the first one long ago. so now i am started with the second book. The Chamber Of Secrets.
i believe i started it once before but i just never finished like every other book i try to read. i am actually going to do this though haha. i want to read all 7.

oh yes. and i am pretty much over summer right now. its just getting old and the same stuff is happening haha. i really beileve every summer just repeats itself. im so over it its not even funny. for some reason i really wish i were in school right now. i need something to do with my life. and i am so excited for the new school year. it is going to be amazing. despite who is in it or not. none of that is going to bother me. i made peace with the people i needed to. and wanted to. things happen for a reason. and im leaving it that way. yeah i miss alot of people but i mean i guess this was meant to happen? who know's.  i just can't wait to graduate. yeah its not for a year but still. once the school year starts it is going to go by so fast. i can't wait.